The new upcoming cooking show of Miss Judy Ann Santos-Agoncillo is soon to be aired on ABS-CBN, the Junior MasterChef Pinoy Edition. This is the new exciting Pinoy edition of Junior aspiring MasterChef with the age ranges from 8-12 years old.
This little Junior MasterChef will showcase their skills and talents in making their recipes and own dishes together with the Miss Judy Ann Santos-Agoncillo as the main host of the show.
For sure his husband Ryan Agoncillo which is a good actor as well as a host gives her wife some of tips and what things should do for her new assignment as a host of the reality tv show.
This little Junior MasterChef will showcase their skills and talents in making their recipes and own dishes together with the Miss Judy Ann Santos-Agoncillo as the main host of the show.
For sure his husband Ryan Agoncillo which is a good actor as well as a host gives her wife some of tips and what things should do for her new assignment as a host of the reality tv show.