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Update on Cebu Seo Contest

I was surprised this morning when I search in the Google SERP the keyword Cebu Seo Contest and I was lucky enough that my entry in the Cebu Seo Contest is on the second page. Well, I guess my wish has been granted been at the second page of the Google SERP (lolz). But my other entries in the seo contest is still not visible on the Google SERP, but still I was hoping that those entries on Cebu Seo Contest will be visible.

I think this week will be a challenging part of the contest because there are many registrant aiming to be on the top of Google SERP in the keyword Cebu Seo Contest. It is more challenging that I think before and I was lucky enough that one of my entry in the Seo Contest in on the 11th rank.

The end of the Cebu Seo Contest is going near and the Contest is getting tougher and challenging. Just do your best and apply what have you learned.