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Goal in Busby SEO Test

What's up with the Busby SEO Test for today? Still I am searching and studying on how to increase my rank in the Busby SEO Test competition with my official entry, Busby SEO Test - Anime Series. I want to be at the top 100 challengers and participants. It is a big thing and one of my highest achievements if ever I can be there. How could you imagine that if you could be on the top 100 with your opponents all over the world, noob and experts SEO. This is a tougher and hottest SEO Contest in the cyberspace. That's why I am currently studying to enhance well my seo knowledge and skills.

That is one of my Goal in participating Busby SEO Test. My goal is to be on the top 100 participants in Busby SEO Test. I don't know if I can make it but still I will keep optimizing it to achieve my goal. But how to achieve this goal? What Should I do? I will do the very basic SEO in optimizing my official entry in Busby SEO Test, submit to free directory listing and bookmarking sites.

Capiz Blogger is Searching, Studying and Competing in Busby SEO Test