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Our First Goal, we've made it

In my previous post here in my blog which is Goal in Sikat ang Pinoy, I mentioned that we have some goal that we must achieve. One of our goal is be on the first page of the Google SERP if you search for the key phrase "sikat ang pinoy" and finally we've made it. Yeah, I was so very happy that we achieve already one of the goal in this contest. It not just the end our our first step on the G SERP but we rank as 9th place in the first page.

We had done already what we know on optimization. Blog reviews, building quality links, commenting on some weblogs and sites and many more. Now, I am done with my experiment and I found out that it is very effective. The responces so far are good and it is good to know that we are rising from the other contestants with our entry sikat ang pinoy - satsatan. But I do hope that we can maintain what we have on the rankings now. I know that in this contest, it is not permanent but I will maintain the activity in sikat ang pinoy.